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全台唯一以微生物為主體的教育博物館,菌寶貝,取台語諧音”很寶貝”,有”寶貝或寶藏”的意義,提供完整微生物(益菌.壞菌)的相關知識導覽解說,本館現有國寶級”真菌類”~牛樟芝,鎮館之寶3500年的牛樟樹雕刻的百鳥朝鳳作品,全台首創黃金蟲草接菌和保養品DIY體驗,透過觀光工廠的設立,帶入具教育性與娛樂性的課程, 讓一般大眾能以科學和生活的角度重新認識微生物的好與壞和對人類歷史的影響,進一步了解這個微小的大世界。專櫃的品質、工廠的價格、豐富的內容、有趣的DIY 。

Tel: 039281168
Mobile: 0982252006
add: 26053宜蘭縣宜蘭市梅洲一路22號
座標: 經度E121.735357 緯度 N24.776225

Beneficial Microbes Museum & Tourism Factory is the only microbe-museum in Taiwan. The museum provides professionally guided tour, skin-care product DIY and educational and entertaining courses for visitors. The museum also keeps some valuable collection. For example, the rare wild AntrodiaCamphorata; and a great sculpture made of a 3500-year-old CinnamomumkanehiraeHayata, known as the most precious treasure of the museum.